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QuickClose App:
One Click Away!

Simplify your Mac experience with QuickClose App! Close apps quickly and efficiently with just one click. Customize your red button, save time, and boost your productivity—instantly.

Optimize your workflow

Features of QuickClose App

QuickClose App streamlines your app management by simplifying the closing process, saving you time, and boosting productivity with just one click.

Customizable app closing.
QuickClose App lets you choose which apps to close with the red button, offering full customization of your workflow.
Time-saving features.
QuickClose App helps you save valuable time by eliminating the need for manual app closures, allowing you to focus on important tasks.
Enhanced productivity.
By instantly closing unused apps, QuickClose App helps you maintain a clean workspace and boost your productivity throughout the day.
QuickClose App Screenshot

Maximize your efficiency. Try QuickClose App today.

Say goodbye to app clutter and streamline your workflow with QuickClose App. Simplify your daily tasks and save valuable time.

Experience QuickClose App in Action

See how QuickClose App enhances your Mac workflow

Mobile Friendly

QuickClose App works seamlessly across devices. Enjoy a smooth experience on your Mac and beyond.


Boost your Mac’s performance with one click. Close unused apps instantly to free up memory.

Close Unused Apps

Easily close all non-essential apps with one click to save your Mac’s resources and improve performance.

Memory Optimization

QuickClose App allows you to free up memory by closing unnecessary apps and processes to keep your Mac running smoothly.


Select the perfect plan for your needs

Choose an affordable plan packed with features designed to help you manage your Mac applications more efficiently and boost your productivity.


Monthly or Yearly

Enjoy continuous access to all the features with this subscription plan.

  • Regular feature updates
  • Dedicated customer support
  • Monthly content updates
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One-Time Purchase


Make a one-time payment for lifetime access to all features and content.

  • Lifetime access to all features
  • One-time payment
  • Lifetime content access
  • Lifetime content access
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One-time payment, then it's yours forever

Trusted by users worldwide

QuickClose App is relied upon by professionals and casual users alike for seamless app management and productivity boosts on macOS.

Active users worldwide
Affordable pricing
From $0.99
App performance guarantee
99.9% uptime
Total savings for users
+1M hours


We have worked with thousands of amazing people

QuickClose App is a game-changer! I can finally say goodbye to manually closing apps. It’s intuitive, fast, and saves me a lot of time. Highly recommend for anyone who uses a Mac!

James Clark


Li Wei

QuickClose App has simplified my multitasking! It’s an essential tool for anyone who wants to speed up their Mac usage. A must-have for professionals!

Priya Sharma

O QuickClose App é incrível! Fechar aplicativos nunca foi tão fácil e rápido. Recomendo para todos que usam Mac no dia a dia.

Lucas Silva

QuickClose App значительно ускорил мою работу с Mac. Теперь я могу быстро закрывать ненужные приложения одним нажатием.

Ivan Petrov

QuickClose App me ha ahorrado mucho tiempo, especialmente cuando tengo varias aplicaciones abiertas. Muy útil y fácil de usar.

Gabriela Martínez

QuickClose App ist ein Muss für alle Mac-Nutzer. Die Funktion zum schnellen Schließen von Apps funktioniert perfekt und spart viel Zeit.

Anna Müller

QuickClose App facilite vraiment la gestion des applications. Un outil indispensable pour tous les utilisateurs Mac, très facile à utiliser.

Marc Lefevre

QuickClose App è fantastico! Ho migliorato la mia produttività chiudendo rapidamente le app inutilizzate. Lo consiglio a tutti!

Alessandro Rossi

QuickClose Appを使って、マックでの作業効率が大幅に向上しました。非常に便利で使いやすいアプリです。

Hiroshi Tanaka

QuickClose App هو تطبيق رائع! يساعدني في إغلاق التطبيقات غير المستخدمة بسرعة وسهولة. أصبح العمل على Mac أكثر فاعلية.

Ahmed Al-Fahad

Relied on by the most innovative companies around the globe

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Frequently Asked Questions

QuickClose App allows you to quickly close apps on your Mac with the red button. You can customize which apps the red button will close and even create a blacklist for apps you wish to exclude.